Routine dental check-ups are extremely important, giving your dentist the opportunity to review all aspects of your oral health and to recommend further private dental care if necessary.
Your next dental check-up is also an opportunity for you to talk to your dentist about any concerns you may have about your teeth, gums, or smile so that you can discuss next steps and get the dental treatment or aesthetic dental care that you need.
A dental check-up is a regular, holistic overview of your oral health. Your check-up gives your dentist an opportunity to identify any problems and recommend any necessary dental treatment. Your next dental check-up will include:
If you are an NHS patient in England, your dental check-up will fall under Band 1 of the NHS dental charges and will be priced appropriately, excluding any follow-ups or further dental treatment which may be needed after your dental check-up.
Costs for private dental treatment can be obtained by contacting your local Riverdale dental practice directly.
If you are an NHS patient in England, your dental check-up will fall under Band 1 pricing, and will include an examination, diagnosis, advice and, if necessary, any X-ray’s your dentist deems necessary and, if necessary to maintain your dental health a scale and polish.
Most patients will only need a dental check-up every 12 to 24 months. After your dental check-up, your Riverdale dentist will recommend a date for your next check-up. This can range between 3 months and 2 years depending on your risk of dental problems.
There’s no need to wait for your next check-up if you have concerns about your teeth then we recommend you contact your nearest Riverdale practice to schedule an appointment.
We are currently welcoming new NHS patients at a number of our practices. As this can change frequently, please contact the practice directly to enquire.
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Vitality Dental Care provide private dental treatment
and are proud to serve Stokesley, Guisborough,
Northallerton and Fairfield practices.
Riverdale TradeCo Ltd trading as Vitality Dental Care is a credit broker, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales 11506562
Where required by law, loans will be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Consumer Credit Act. Credit is provided by Wesleyan Bank Limited who is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Wesleyan Bank Ltd (Registered in England and Wales No 2839202) Registered Office: PO Box 3420, Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6AE. Tel: 0800 358 1122. Terms and conditions apply.
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